Cpanel (Control Panel) is a popular, licensing web hosting control panel application that allows web hosting customers to perform their operations visually and interactively on Linux servers.
What does WHM mean?
WHM (Web Host Manager) can be briefly described as software known as web host manager. Many software are produced for end users to access the hosting more easily or in more detail. WHM is one of the most important of these.
What is Cpanel hosting?
Cpanel (Control Panel) is a popular, licensing web hosting control panel application that allows web hosting customers to perform their operations visually and interactively on Linux servers. For a moment, imagine you don't have a desktop and menus on your computer.
What to do with Cpanel?
Cpanel, which allows you to make site and system settings easily, provides the following options.
You open and manage a private email account to the site address.
You can upload and manage your site files.
Provides database setup and Phpmyadmin access
Ready CMS systems (WordPress, forum etc.) are installed with a click
You can make backups and install existing backups.
You can see the traffic of your site. (Analytics recommended)